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About Highest Self Queen

Only by vibrating at the same frequency of your desires can you be a match to them.

Matching the high vibration of your manifestations

At Highest Self Queen we pride on having found a method that will help you transform your life by raising your vibration and changing your mindset.


By changing your mindset, your whole approach to life is shifted into a new way of seeing things.


Rising your vibration will help you feel true gratitude for your life and circumstances. You will feel pure love and appreciation to and from others around you.


And these high vibrational feelings are what allows you you to tap into the highest version of yourself.

About your guide

It all started when I was a kid. As soon as I learnt how to play with my dolls and role-play, I was always on the path for more and more, even without knowing it.


As a young kid living is a tiny apartment in a city in Mexico, you wouldn't have much more to aspire to, other than an OK and happy life.


My parents were never wealthy, they got pregnant of my older sister at the age of 16 and while mom my had to drop off high school, my dad continued studying at nights while working his ass off during the day.


And I grew up in the household with the absolute perfect mix that would light up my spark to go for more.


My dad has always been a hard worker, he is, today, such a good businessman, and since he was young, he always worked hard for what he wanted.

My mom was always the dreamer. I have never met a better manifestor than her. She taught me this game of the magic wand.


Together, while doing house chores and cleaning the apartment, we would  pretend that we had a magic wand and we could change anything from the house, or our lives, that we wanted to.


I remember she designed such a beautiful home, with magazine scraps, and drawings, and a magic wand, which later became our reality when I turned seven and we moved to our first home. Identical to what my mom had envisioned.


Growing up among this mix of hard work plus vision and desire, is what shaped me into the master manifestos that I am today.


Portrait of Beautiful Woman

Ever after living in New Zealand I just wanted to go back and leave Mexico. Don't get me wrong, Mexico is beautiful, but I didn't want to live there. So I went looking for my opportunities abroad.


For three consecutive years I worked as a fruit picker in Canada, illegally.  This meant living in the orchards, sleeping in a tent, having no shower, no kitchen, no toilet; basically no personal hygiene. I was eating out of cans, which I'm sure was not the best for my health. And I was certainly not living in the abundant environment I was living as a kid.


And I don't mean that I had a wealthy life as a kid, not at all, but with the little that I had, I was grateful and always dreaming of more, I could create an abundant environment even among scarcity.


But not there in the orchards, I forgot about this. It was fun, I made lots of friends whom I deeply care for, but my mindset was gone, my desires were gone, my goals were if not forgotten, put aside for a moment in order to make some money overseas.


And you just never do that, you never put your goals and desires aside for anything, because your desires are your path. They are your purpose in this life.


Eventually I saved some money and moved back to New Zealand where I wanted to try my luck doing the same. Fortunately, The Universe had something better in store for me.


For the next two years I was living in New Zealand working as the chef and sommelier of a vineyard and winery in Otago. And oh I loved those days. Here's where I bloomed.


It was a miracle sent by The Universe, that we ended up working and living here, because we had completely ran out of money and we didn't have money for one more day of food, when we were hired here. This place was our savior and I am forever grateful to the lovely couple that took us in and welcomed us into their business.


Woman with Flower Pattern Shirt
Mature Woman Laughing

When my sister wanted to play and pretend that we were at war, o that we were begging for money in the streets, I just wanted to pretend that we were princesses or that we had won the lottery. I knew what type of games brought me joy.


When we were teenagers, we used to pretend we were socialites and that we could go to all the fancy places and spend lots of money. We even videotaped our own socialite reality show.


So yes, it is not a secret that I like fancy stuff, I love the luxurious lifestyle. I enjoy much when I stay at a five stars resort and am tended to and pampered. I freaking love money, and the peace of mind that having money gives you. And I'm here for all of it, I've always been.


I always knew I wanted this life, I wanted to be rich, or a princess, or a socialite, or all. And as a teenager, when my mom played the movie of The Secret, I went nuts.


So you can have all of that that I dream of just by thinking about it very hard? Yeah, well it's not that simple, but that's when my manifesting abundance journey started.


My family did way better over the years, which allowed me to study abroad and live in countries like Australia and New Zealand before I embarked on a transformational sabbatical year throughout South East Asia.


Sadly, in the search for my independence and my own way, I lost touch with the things my mom had taught me. I was still working hard, so hard as I had learnt from my dad, but I had completely forgotten about the dreaming and wishing for side of life. And I just grew apart from that abundance mindset.




We lived and worked here for two years on and off, we were on tourist visas, so we had to leave every three months.


In here I was introduced, again by my mom, to a 21 days of abundance challenge by Deepak Chopra that absolutely changed my mind and, eventually, my life.


And from there, it was all law of attraction content consumption, started meditating for the first time, journaling, and desiring more again.


Until the day came when we were in our usual visa run in Bali, and COVID hit. New Zealand closed its borders for tourists for the next two years, and goodbye to our life it was.


It was time to start again, from scratch, in a new country, with a different culture and language, because with all the airports closing down, we couldn't afford to go back to Mexico. We had no more than 2 thousand dollars, and no idea what to do. But this time, I had the most powerful tools.


With everything I had learnt and continued to learn  (still learning everyday), I was able to flip the situation and make it work to my advantage.


Fast forward to almost three years from that day I faced that I couldn't go back to our life in NZ, and here I am today, living a millionaire's life, owning and directing  three thriving businesses and traveling the world non-stop. And I'm not stopping anytime soon.


It is now my pleasure to  share these tools with you and teach you how to use them in order to live the life of your dreams, a life of freedom.


I can't wait to hear about you now!

"Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world."

Sri Ramana Maharshi

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